Tel.: +49 2125521 2352

About me


about me

Hello, I'm Sindy

As a systemic personal & business coach , it is my great passion to support women in creating a professional career that fits their ideas of professional fulfillment and their current life situation.

My professional life so far is like the course of an economic cycle, I have changed my job frequently and have now had 36 job interviews, and I am only 34 years old.

For many years my career has been up and down and I have felt like a hamster on a hamster wheel, always looking for the next job, hoping to find the one job that fulfills me and brings out my best self .

In 2016 it worked for the first time with the heart job, unfortunately it was limited and after 2 years it was over again.

What remained was a feeling: namely that work can be fulfilling and change one’s own life for the better.

How do I work?

Let's find out together what you need and how I can help you with it.

This is what my clients say about me

“You gave me a lot of support in determining my own position and showed me what it means to listen to your intuition, not to be afraid of the unknown and to be committed to yourself. It is a completely new and good feeling to meet on a new level of self-confidence. Suddenly doors open that you never thought existed at all.”

Testimonial #1 Designation

As a coachee with you, I always felt very comfortable and safe, in good hands, and at the same time clearly, lovingly and humorously guided. In this way you enable the creation of spaces, inside and outside, which creates a calm expanse.

Testimonial #2 Designation

Your open manner, your dry sense of humour, and at the same time your seriousness and objectivity were a good mix for me, so that I could feel comfortable with you as a client. Your open manner, your dry sense of humour, and at the same time your seriousness and objectivity were a

Testimonial #3 Designation
Coach, mentor & relationship expert

My Business Background


If you are seriously interested in working together, first have a free preliminary talk with your coach. In this session you get to know each other and clarify how working together suits both sides and how your coach can support you perfectly with your topic.


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